Cyberbullying has been around since the beginning of social media websites such as myspace, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat. It is wrong on so many levels. I can literally go on and on about ranting. But I realize sadly that we will never be able to stop it. Sadly I think the future generation will keep it going. As being a victim myself when I was younger it is very emotionally and physically damaging. I had made a Facebook when I was 12 years old in 6th grade. I didn't experience much bullying until I was about 14. I had made fake pages like "blue crayon" as a profile. It was honestly just a troll joke. I had a lot of random friends on there and some were actually pretty cool. So when I had deactivated that page I told all my friends to add me on my real account and most did. I still have a lot of them till this day. I had gone through a stage of people telling me to "kms" or that I was weird and ugly. It really affected me, especially since when I was in 8th grade I had dealt with bullying in person. My self-esteem was already terrible and that made me 10 times more paranoid with how I present myself. Because of being picked on online and in person I actually attempted suicide a couple of times. But my plans ultimately failed which I am very grateful for that. People don't realize that even if you think something is funny or that "you're joking" everyone reacts differently. Earlier I had mentioned that Cyberbullying is not only emotionally but physically damaging. What I meant by physically is that I was so insecure about myself from being picked on that I was always constantly trying to change my appearance. I had bleached my hair blonde, did multiple colors like pink, blue and purple. Which from all the dying of my hair I had managed to fry off the top sides of my hair with the back of my hair still long so I had to cut it. I'm still growing my hair out from that it's at shoulder length now but it had been fried up with the length towards the sides of my eyes on my face. Also, I have a belly button scar and Monroe lip piercing scar too from trying to impress people to where I would feel accepted. I remember in High School Megan Meiers mother had came in and talked to everybody about her daughter's death. It was very sad. I just hope presentations like that help some people view it differently knowing what it can cause. I really wish there were more rules put into place that can help fight Cyberbullying. I personally believe that people who Cyberbully anybody should receive a lengthy amount of community service for their crime. I also believe that if you cause someone to commit suicide because you bullied somebody you need prison time. Anyone in their mind who thinks it is ok is a very weak person. If you have to down somebody to feel better about yourself you clearly need help. Also hiding behind a computer makes you very weak, bullying shouldn't even be done in the first place. But sadly some people will continue to do it...
