Cyberbullying has been around since the beginning of social media websites such as myspace, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat. It is wrong on so many levels. I can literally go on and on about ranting. But I realize sadly that we will never be able to stop it. Sadly I think the future generation will keep it going. As being a victim myself when I was younger it is very emotionally and physically damaging. I had made a Facebook when I was 12 years old in 6th grade. I didn't experience much bullying until I was about 14. I had made fake pages like "blue crayon" as a profile. It was honestly just a troll joke. I had a lot of random friends on there and some were actually pretty cool. So when I had deactivated that page I told all my friends to add me on my real account and most did. I still have a lot of them till this day. I had gone through a stage of people telling me to "kms" or that I was weird and ugly. It really affected me, especially since when I ...